Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Because They Hate -- a Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America

I recently read "Because They Hate", an autobiography by Brigitte Gabriel.  This is a must read for today's times.  Brigitte shares her personal story of her childhood as a Christian living in Lebanon during the  genocide of the Christians committed by the Palestinians from 1975-1982.  In her story she quotes the Koran to show how it preaches hatred towards infidels. All non-Muslims are considered as infidels by Islam and the Koran.    Islam's goal is world domination, just as the Nazi's sought racial purity as Aryan domination. "In the Muslim world extreme is mainstream."

There is "no free press in the Arab world", it is government controlled and biased against Israel and the western world.  Their children are programmed from birth to believe Muslim is the only way and anyone who is not Muslim is their enemy.  They are brainwashed by their biased 1-sided, distorted news and television broadcasts.  They are masters at PR - since they control the press so only favorable coverage of Palestinians and hateful demonization of Israel is preached. 

Brigitte writes, "the Arab Muslim world, because of its religion and culture, is a natural threat to civilized people of the world." On page 79, she writes "I had been sold a fabricated lie by my government ... about the Jews and Israel that was far from reality."

Because Muslim men take up to 4 wives and have a higher birth rate, "Islamic communities worldwide outproduce Christians and Jews by 7 to 1."  The demographic shift is scary. "Muslim Arab societies don't have to create anything, just destroy what others have done, terrorize them into submission, and ...take it over for Allah."

Page186 "When you don't stop evil in its tracks you end up with a monster force that will...affect the lives of millions. Because we did not want to judge ...Palestinians bombing innocent Israelis, the Taliban, Saddam Hussein gassing his own people, we have helped create the monsters we are dealing with today."

Brigitte is a terrorism expert and has founded americancongressfortruth.com

Friday, April 15, 2016

Eugenie Mukeshimana speaks about the Rwandan Genocide

This week I had the honor of listening to Eugenie Mukeshimana speak about her experience as a Rwandan genocide survivor.  She was a speaker this week at Bergen Community College, sponsored by the Center for Peace, Justice, and Reconciliation .

She was 8 months pregnant when the genocide began in 1994: same year my own daughter was born. One million Tutsis were killed in just over a month. She talked about the hateful propaganda on the radio and how all citizens had to have their ethnicity identified on their residency cards.   Being a Tutsi was a death sentence.  She was fortunate to find a family who hid her under a bed for weeks.  Even after she was discovered with her baby, the family continued to protect her identity.  

According to Eugenie "Conflict is like a tsunami, it effects everything”.   All traces of Tutsi life were eradicated: the people, their livestock and property.  The small number of survivors in Rwanda continue to live side-by-side with those who slaughtered their families.

Eugenie is the Founder and Executive Director of GSSN Genocide Survivors Support Network

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Launching Speakers Bureau for Center for Peace Justice Reconciliation

As a member of the Center for Peace Justice Reconciliation (PJR) at Bergen Community College, I have initiated a Speaker's Bureau to help carry out PJR's  mission within Bergen and beyond. PJR’s mission is to foster awareness of mechanisms of social conflict, political and ethnic violence, and genocide through educational initiatives, exhibitions, and dialogues. The center develops skills in conflict resolution and ethical decision making to promote social justice and global citizenship.

Speakers include PJR team members, BCC faculty and staff. 

Website: http://bergen.edu/pjr/speakers 

As first generation survivors of genocide age, it is up to us as educators and/or as second-third generations to spread the word so the world never forgets.  In addition to Genocide, topics include: issues of social justice, anti-bullying, character development, conflict resolution, totalitarianism.

Our goal is to partner with our faculty as they plan lessons for next semester.   Our speakers will tailor topics to meet the needs of our classrooms.