Monday, June 28, 2021

American Democracy at risk ....MSM, BLM, CRT, ...

Since Biden took office, I feel like we are living in a Communist dictatorship. 
Instead of unity, Biden labeled Trump fans deplorables, white supremacists and targeted them for harsh punishment. Trump fans who attended the 1/6 protest at the Capital, many who were ushered in by capital police, were apprehended for trespassing and locked up in jail cells with bail revoked.

According to Tucker Carlson,   FBI operatives were instigators of 1/6.  We don’t know who shot Ashli Babbitt, the unarmed woman who was killed during the incursion. We still haven’t seen what Carlson said was “more than 10,000 hours of surveillance tape from the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6."     Why aren’t alleged organizers and instigators being charged when people who seem to have been little more than tourists are facing years in prison?

According to Mark Levin of Life, Liberty and Levin, our government is rounding up these political opponents. Just the word "round-ups" strikes terror in my heart. Along with rampant propaganda and censorship, this is what makes up a Totalitarian government. These round-up operations are secretive. This article describes how FBI agents targeted a couple in Alaska, just one example of these round-ups.

During the May 2020 insurrection in Minnesota, BLM Antifa thugs burned a police station to the ground. Those thugs don’t need to worry, Kamala has funded their bail. Antifa and BLM violence is sanctioned by our administration. It is part of their plan to instill chaos in our cities, while defunding the police. Like Greg Kelley says, BLM and MSM only care when a black life is taken by a white cop…. in order to perpetuate their systemic racism and anti-police agenda.

To make sense of what is happening in our country, I reached out to Professor Kyong (Keith) Chu, Chair of the History Department at Bergen Community College. Here is his response… “It's mind boggling to me that this is happening in our nation. The partisanship and hatred is really ruining our democracy. It seems to me that its always been there as a kind of pilot light just waiting for the right moment to ignite into something bigger …I just hope it doesn't take a catastrophic event for everyone to see the truth”

Critical Race Theory (CRT)

CRT is dangerous - it is based on Marxist ideology designed to divide us, and create a race war. If you are dark-skinned you are oppressed. If you are light-skinned you are labelled an oppressor. If my parents were alive today, they would be labelled oppressors, despite the fact that they were Holocaust survivors. What happened to the teachings of Martin Luther King? We should be judged based on our character, not our skin color. One of my favorite MLK quotes applies here, “Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” Historical facts should be taught; slavery, the Holocaust, etc. Many students do not even know there was a Holocaust! Instead of teaching CRT’s hateful rhetoric, we should be teaching the Holocaust, not just 2 hours or a single day, but a full curriculum. 
I am heartened by the courageous, ferocious parents who stand up for their children against this hateful rhetoric…in front of their school boards.
Recently, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis directed his State Board of Education to stop CRT and the 1619 Project from becoming a part of their school’s curriculum. ”We do not want curriculum that is judging students based on their race and we do not want false history,” DeSantis wants to stop the whitewashing of the horrors committed by communist thugs like Mao Zedong & Che Guevara.  In addition, the bill mandates diversity of thought on college campuses, to prevent leftist indoctrination and intolerance of dissenting viewpoints.  Read article in Dailywire news.

FAKE NEWS - Mainstream Media (MSM) 

Our country has become so polarized. I can’t even discuss the issues with my colleagues on the left as they are ignorant of the facts. They only listen to and believe what the mainstream media is feeding them. MSM censors anything that does not fit their Democratic Socialist narrative of systemic racism. You have to seek out alternative news sites like OAN, NewsMaxx, Fox News, Daily Wire, Prager U, etc. to get the full story and to hear the truth about Israel, election laws, CRT etc. MSM Stations like CBS, NBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC promote the far left, anti-Israel, anti-American viewpoint. They are the propaganda arm of the Democratic Socialist movement. 

If we don't speak up we are complicit. When I post on Facebook, however, I get attacked. 
Here is a typical example of stupidity after I exposed the truth about CRT on FB:

  • NM (leftist):  Beverly you’re wrong that crt is either bad or Marxist. And it’s surely based on facts. Your argument is not. That’s some bs site, not real news. The facts are we have a history of systemic racism in our country, and we should teach that. The rest is you having a tantrum, I guess cuz you don’t want White children to learn racism exists
  • ME: I am the daughter of Holocaust survivors, so I know what is happening here. I know what happened in the Gulags. It does not matter the site posted, the woman's speech went viral and you should listen to it. Some people can't tolerate a different viewpoint and choose to attack me instead. I think we should be teaching about how propaganda and censorship led to the Holocaust and now the Uighur genocide.
  • NM: we do teach that. We should also be teaching systemic racism exists and that it leads to the killing of unarmed black people, hence the need for the BLM movement. Teaching about racism in schools is neither propaganda nor censorship. Now you’re like just making up words.
  • ME: you should do some research on BLM. You will find that it an Anti-Semitic Marxist organization, that is embezzling funds.
  • NM: You gotta stop w this racism, Beverly.