Sunday, January 24, 2021

Media Campaign against Trump & Censorship

For the past four years  Trump was subjected to an incessant smear campaign from the leftist mainstream media (MSM). He was falsely accused of Russia collusion and relentlessly bullied. He was portrayed as a monster white-supremacist, because he put America first; never any acknowledgement of his monumental successes. Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” developed a CoVid vaccine in 10 months, despite being told it was impossible. As mentioned in my prior post, his administration negotiated the historic Abraham Accords, achieving peace between Israel and its Arab neighbors. December, 2019, he passed the new Anti-Semitism Definition  to protect Jewish college students. (Details saved ).  He hired Nikki Haley, the first Ambassador to the UN, to courageously stand up for Israel, against the anti-Israel bias in the UN. Haley also stood up against their pro-Hamas resolutions. She referred to her inaugural role as “the new sheriff in town”.  According to Mike Kelley of NewsMax –“ ISIS was born under Obama and obliterated by Trump… Trump brought ISIS down.”  No other president achieved what Trump and his administration did in just four years.  

Just like Obama, we only hear accolades for Biden regardless of his actions, from MSM.  Hannity described the media’s treatment of  Biden as their “candidate protection program”.  MSM is silent about the Biden family dealings with Communist China.   MSM Journalists no longer do any research. They only attack or silence their adversaries. They agitate and bully Trump and Republicans. In this video Rep. Ron DeSantis responds to an aggressive CNN reporter.

Back in June, 2020, after violent BLM/Antifa mobs burned down a Minneapolis Police Station, Kamala Harris responded with , “This is a movement…They are not going to stop and they should NOT”.  Antifa bombed and burned cities. Over 7 months of BLM/Antifa riots in Democratic cities, resulted in 45 innocent citizens killed, 700 police officers injured, small businesses looted and destroyed, 150 federal buildings damaged, defaced, burned.  Instead of outrage, Democrats empowered these thugs. Kamala funded their bail. is a redirect to Biden’s .

According to DailyTorch 1/21/2021 article “Exposing Democrat Hypocrisy over Political Violence”,  “Democrats who encouraged and funded the Antifa, BLM rioters for most of the past year, wasted no time exploiting the Capitol attack for political gain." In Biden’s inaugural address he characterized 75 million Trump fans as domestic terrorists, Neo-Nazis, & fascists.  Biden incited his fellow leftists to track down Trump supporters. This is not unity; this is the KGB.  

The CAPITAL 1/06/2021
They blamed Trump for inciting the handful of thugs who stormed the capital.  In his speech Trump called for “peaceful” protests. The media censored that video and Twitter & Facebook deleted his accounts, disconnecting him from his people: We the People.  Renowned lawyer, Alan Dershowitz, refers to this as McCarthyism. According to Mark Levin of “Life, Liberty, & Levin”, the FBI knew of the attack, days prior and did nothing. 

John Earle Sullivan, a radical self-described “revolutionary” who founded a group called “Insurgence USA,” was arrested and charged with planning and inciting a riot amid the heavy pro-Trump crowd at the U.S. Capitol.   He was one of many radical leftist and Antifa infiltrators who blended into the crowd. Sullivan was seen on video shouting to a crowd, over a microphone, “we about to burn this shit down,” “we got to rip Trump out of office".  Details can be found in this document.

Historical Parallels
The censorship and targeting of 75 million Trump fans, along with the shutdown of conservative voices on Facebook, Twitter and Parler, is a great big red flag.   Remember the historical parallels.  From 1927 – 1933 Germany went from Democracy to a 1-party Nazi system, censoring all dissenting political views.  Nazi Propaganda was everywhere. 

Isn’t that what is happening here, now?  Leftist propaganda as delivered by MSM, newspapers, social-ist media…Our MSM is the propaganda arm of the Democratic party.  According to Mike Pompeo “Censorship, wokeness, political correctness, it all points in one direction – authoritarianism, cloaked as moral righteousness."  Nikki Haley stated, “From college classrooms to corporate boardrooms, … liberal elites want to silence anyone who does not toe the far left line."  Freedom of speech has been compromised, replaced by fake news and censorship.

For historical perspective, these quotes come from USHMM article on Nazi-propaganda-and-censorship:
“When the Nazis came to power in 1933, the German constitution guaranteed freedom of speech and freedom of the press…The Nazis controlled all  forms of communication through censorship and propaganda… By the middle of 1933, the Nazi Party was the only political party, and nearly all organized opposition to the regime had been eliminated. Democracy was dead in Germany.”

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