Monday, September 12, 2022

Marxist Censorship, Cancel Culture, & the power of the Media

In Chapter 6 of his book "American Marxism", Mark Levin describes the Marxist tactics used to subvert our Democracy, by our mainstream media and "Big Tech", social media giants (FB, Twitter, YouTube, Amazon...). According to The Center for Responsive Politics, executives at Big Tech firms have shown their bias towards Democrats through their donations of millions to 2020 Democratic candidate campaigns.  They have also conspired against rival Conservatives, using smear campaigns and deplatforming, including former President Trump and Conservative Parler.

Big Tech uses sophisticated algorithms to censor what they decide is hate speech.   Much of their Artificial Intelligence technology was developed originally by the Chinese Communist Party to stifle political dissent.   Just like in a Communist regime, any debate that would challenge our government's Marxist-based ideology can not be tolerated. Truth is their enemy.  

Marxists refer to their movements and ideologies using euphemistic terms, such as "Progressives", "Democratic Socialists", "Antifa", "Black Lives Matter" (BLM), "the Squad", "Critical Race Theory" (CRT).  Their ultimate goal is a one-party left-wing autocracy.  

Our Marxist media thrives on exploiting a crises. I watched the news repeat the image of George Floyd's last moments, everyday.  Everyday the media reinforced the narrative of systemic racism in the police force, by exploiting this one incident, fanning the flames of hatred against the police in order to divide us, inciting riots during summer 2020.   However, when a Black cop shot a White protester, Ashley Babitt, on 1/6/21, the media avoided any mention of it.... that Black cop was later celebrated as a hero.    

Levin is appalled by the disparity of our justice system.   The violent BLM/ Antifa rioters from last summer were not apprehended. VP Harris funded bail for those who were. Our radical left government supports and protects these violent Antifa rioters. website is a portal to our own  

Mark Levin gave kudos to Governor DeSantis for filling in where our government is negligent. For example, the open border crisis has resulting in millions of unvetted illegal immigrants being bused throughout the US, including Florida.   DeSantis has redirected those busses to DC. When our government ignores violent Antifa, DeSantis responded by issuing a law making violence during a protest a felony, thereby increasing penalties in the State of Florida. 

The press has incredible power to move people. If only the media used their power for good.  If they had repeated images of Hitler's brutality during the Holocaust, maybe then American citizens would have pressured our government to increase immigration quota for Jewish refugees?  The NY Times hid any mention of the horrors of the Holocaust deep in the middle of the paper. It should have been persistent, front page, prime time coverage.   

Monday, May 23, 2022

My Top 10 Lists of LINKS - Do your own digging for the facts - here are helpful sites!

Biden's chaos and crises - baby formula crisis, border crisis, gas price surges, exponential inflation, his declining cognitive mental state, & more.  We need to be informed. Don't believe me; Check for yourself. 

If you only listen to mainstream media, you will only hear the propaganda of the Democratic party. They censor anything negative to their party line, while often slandering Israel and Trump supporters. You have to be willing to dig for the truth by seeking alternative news sources.

Here are some reputable news sites: 

  1. - playlists discuss relevant issues
  2. - Read, Listen, or Watch - Ben Shapiro, Candace Owens, .... 
  3.  - Branco says it all with powerful cartoon images
  4.  - Branco cartoons
  5.  - Australia is watching us - we should listen
  6. NewsMax 
  7. OAN - One America News Network
  8. RSBN -
  9. - for other sites
  10. BlazeTV - - Jim Jordan speaks out  1/12/2021 
Here are some reputable sites that are fighting for the Jewish State of Israel:
  1. - FLAME - Facts and Logic About the Middle East - combats anti-Israel propaganda with proven facts.
  2. - Committee for Accuracy in MidEast Reporting
  3. - American Zionist Movement - lots of great programming
  4. Simon Wiesenthal Center
  6. Seeking the Truth about Israel 
  7. The Case for Israel: Land Ownership in Palestine 1880-1948 by Moshe Aumann  (PDF posted on )
  8. World Affairs Journal: Enough Said-The False Scholarship of Edward Said
  9. Hamas on Campus

Don't believe the 2020 Election was hacked? 
Here are the hidden testimonies on voter fraud and voter irregularities. The Supreme Court refused to hear them and mainstream media censored them, That doesn't make them non-existent or false. Decide for yourself:

  1. **  - Greg Kelly on Newsmax TV - the Media's double standard 12/1/2020   (especially relevant today!)
  2.   HANNITY interviews USPS Truck driver Jesse.  Jessie drove a Truck full of ballots from Bethpage LI  to Pennsylvania.
  3.   OAN Pittsburgh video surveillance
  4.  Susan Boyle - POLL mgr- Fulton County GA Hearings.... Lack of training, flawed chain of custody - OAN 12/4/2020 
  5.  Mark Damik - state wide POLL watcher 
  6. **     DANA VanBuren Smith Poll Worker / Watcher emotional handling of paper ballots, no ballot chain of custody 
  7. **  IT Dominion woman - blond  with rowdy black rep!
  8. **  Dominion consultant   -  Melissa Carone - Rudy Giuliani’s Star Voter Fraud Witness at Michigan Hearing | NowThis
  9. ** - the NUMBERS - 'A Trump loss is improbable to the point of impossible’—look at the math—Trump Advisor Steve Cortes