another connection….This
one through TWITTER:
When people follow me on Twitter, I often wonder
why. Sept 17,
2014 Twitter alerted me to a new follower: Remy. After checking Remy's
profile I saw we shared a surname & PARIS. I had been searching for my dad's French cousins Maurice and Albert for 20+ years and my Twitter follower turns out to be their nephew!May 2015 Remy connects me to his cousin Nathalie Simonne, or rather she emails me. Nathalie is the niece of Albert & Maurice. She shares some valuable family tree info, adding names of extended family I did not know existed. We exchange details of our families.
Originally I had thought that the 2 brothers had perished in the Holocaust. I had discovered that Maurice's 8 year old son Robert was deported from Paris and murdered. Here is a link to a picture of him I found on the Serge Klarsfeld's website. Caption: Robert Binsztock with Lucienne & Fanny Lerner: Now I know that the 2 girls in the photo with him were also cousins: Fanny & Lucienne. The 3 of them were deported from France and murdered in the Holocaust.